Monday, July 2, 2012

Currently, an update (with a freebie) and other randomness...

Wow, there are a lot of awesome teacher blogs!  I decided to link up with Farley's July Currently and couldn't believe how many already had!  I love her new "rules", especially the one about looking at and commenting on 3 other blogs! Everyone deserves some love...she is so right!  So without further ado, let me add my little name to the linky list and then you go add yours! =)  

and here are my thoughts...

Update to my sight word sheets...I am almost done with my monthly sheets.  After I posted the initial sheet I realized I really needed to increase my expectations in this area.  When I learned what other 2nd graders are doing in this area, I decided to increase the monthly words to 20.  I used the Dolch list and concentrated on grades 1 through 3.  I still like the way students will work at home with parents and how you can test right on the sheet.  I have a pocket page for each student in my data binder that I plan to keep these in.  I'm also going to add a monthly sight word mini wall so students can use these words during the day. are the first 2 sheets for you, I'll add them as I go so keep checking back =)

September Sight Words

Now on to the random part of this post...

As I pointed out before,I LOVE LOVE LOVE SkippyJon Jones!  I don't know why, but he makes me happy.  I also loved the idea of getting the kiddos engaged in writing by having a class mascot.  Taking SkippyJon home and getting to read to him,play with him,or even take him to the beach will give students something authentic to write about.  I believe it will also build community as they get to compare what each did with SkippyJon.  And to make it even better, Kohls has an ABSOLUTELY unbeatable deal right now!  I got 2 of the books and was surprised to find they are even hardcover! for $5 bucks!  I also got a plush SkippyJon who is much larger than I anticipated, and I got the backpack.  Now my kiddos will be set to take home SkippyJon, one of his books and all the materials they will need to document their adventures contained and safe inside the backpack!
I got all this for $20 bucks + tax!
I am going to make up some sheets to go along with SkippyJon and when I do (looking for good graphics) I will be sure to share them.  I'll also share pics as the kids get going on this next year! Do you realize that "next year" is only 4 weeks away? Yikes....I'd better get out the laminator and get going!! =)

Have a great Monday =)


  1. I saw the new books at Kohl's the other day. I need to grab them next time I'm there- I was just returned something and in hurry the other day.
    I found your blog from the Currently Linky. We just bought a 4 door Jeep- and I LOVE it!! Good luck car shopping. :)

    First with Franklin

  2. Trade that car in for a CRV! I LOVE Mine! Chocolate is usually a kid favorite in my room too :) Found you through the July Currently!

  3. Just found your blog! Great stuff. I'm your newest follower!

  4. Trade it in for a JEEP!!! LOL but don't take mine :) I love Chocolate Fever too!!! thanks so much for linking up :)

  5. I love kooooooooooooohls! Yay for skippy!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I hope that you'll join me for my giveaway ♥

  6. I like your words for the months of August and September. Do your kids have to spell each word or just be able to read them? I noticed that the word "our" at the bottom of each page needs a capital letter. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I love SkippyJohn Jones! Found you on Farley's linky! I am a new follower.Hope you will stop by my blog!

    2nd Grade Pig Pen

  8. Thanks for all the comments guys...I Love it =) Susan, its the font, I went back and checked just to make sure! I'm also in the process of making up monthly units to go with the homework pages so check back soon =)

  9. Hi Sandy,
    Found you through the July Currently! It was my first one! Skippy Jon is so cute! Thanks for sharing your great ideas for a class mascot! I know the kiddos will love this! Am so glad that I found your blog and I am giving you the One Lovely Blog Award. :) Come by and see.
